See what Providian can do

We can help you achieve your goals.

Physician and Dental Offices

  • When performing diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, office-based anesthesia allows you more freedom to concentrate on your task at hand.

  • At no cost to your office Providian can help relieve anxiety and discomfort for your patient. Light to moderate sedation is administered while monitoring all of the patient’s vital signs with equipment we provide.

  • We provide all the supplies, medications, and monitoring and emergency equipment necessary for anesthesia delivery. All anesthesia providers are ACLS certified, and PALS certified when providing care for children.

  • Providian uses only experienced anesthesia providers, no new graduates. Many of our providers bring years of specialty expertise with them in the areas of sedation for interventional pain, plastics, dental, urology, and ENT to name a few. All of our providers are experts in airway and patient management.

  • Patient safety is number one. Providian maintains current and safe guidelines for office based procedural sedation.

How It Works:

  • First, Providian will meet with you to learn:

    • What types of procedures are performed in your office? Will your patients’ sedation needs require any specific equipment or medications? Procedural sedation can definitely be tailored to maximize both yours and the patient’s procedural experience and results.

    • Will Providian bill the patient’s insurance, or will patients self-pay? We maintain payer contracts with most payers, and have an established credit payment system for self pay clients.

    • How often would your office like to use sedation services? Regardless of the number of procedure days a week you are considering, we can help establish an efficient, consolidated schedule.

    • Where will the patient receive care before, during, and after their procedure and sedation? Providian brings years of experience in laying out and setting up office space for procedures and sedation. We can help you figure the best way to utilize space for procedure days, and non-procedure days.

  • Once the office logistics are worked out we bring in the necessary supplies, equipment, monitors, and medications for:

    • Pre-procedural evaluation

    • Procedural sedation

    • Post procedural recovery

    • Emergency resuscitation.

    • Providian maintains all supply chain ordering for medications, oxygen, and supplies.

  • On procedure days a CRNA from Providian will:

    • Perform a standardized pre-anesthesia evaluation assessing the patient’s readiness as in accordance with ASA/AANA guidelines for elective procedures.

    • Provide sedation and monitoring for each patient as per ASA/AANA guidelines and standards.

    • Be onsite to ensure appropriate recovery prior to discharge.

 Surgery Centers


Patient Focused

Practice Oriented

Your ASC is where the vision for patient focused care can intersect with practice oriented efficiency.

A successful surgery center requires efficiency, flexibility, and experience from all it’s departments, especially from anesthesia. With over 10 years of successful ASC anesthesia management, Providian Anesthesia will help your center achieve the efficiency and utilization rates desired while maintaining patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction.

Providian Anesthesia prides itself in the areas of:

  • Experience- Patient safety and ASC efficiency requires knowledge and experience. With over ten years of ASC management experience, Providian Anesthesia has the background in outpatient anesthesia to provide the best care for today’s oftentimes challenging ambulatory surgery patient while maintaining an efficient workflow.

  • Responsibility- Our experience doesn’t stop with patient care. We believe a successful anesthesia department needs to assume an appropriate level of administrative responsibility. Providian will work with the ASC administration to maintain policies, equipment and supplies, and accreditation preparation among other necessary administrative tasks. Overall, just know we’re with you clinically and administratively.

  • Flexibility- Your surgery center’s anesthesia group needs to be flexible. Schedules change, and whether patients are added to or taken off the schedule, Providian can flex with the demand. Having a strong network of anesthesia providers allows us to reliably cover predetermined needs, and most often staff appropriately last minute schedule changes.

  • Dependability- Providian Anesthesia believes our success is tied to your success, and your satisfaction is our number two goal (Patient safety is number one). Our aim is to help you achieve your vision, and grow as your needs grow. Because our team is comprised of local anesthesia providers there is a sense of community pride in our job being well done, reliably done.